Michele Merola

React Projects and more....

Hello Hello Hello, Finally another post that I am happy to write since I find some time for it, as per title I completed some projects in react, deployed and uploaded in my portfolio, so I am quite happy about it. The projects that I am talking about are The Youtube Clone , Chat-App and the Budget Calculator they are all quite interesting projects that's why I chosen them and I suggest you to do the same.

These projects are interesting because:

  • Youtube Clone you are able to learn how to Consume the Youtube Api and how to connect the content that you want on your web page.

  • Chat-app This is a full stack chat application were you can learn how to create a server with node, how to connect the server with the client which in our case is react based and how to work with a web socket that for this app is Socket.io which is for Real-time data.

  • Budget-Calculator this is very very good if you want to learn how to use hooks especially useState and useEffect because the whole app heavily base the state management on hooks.

The completion of these 3 projects gave me quite a bit of new knowledge,fun and more confidence in my Dev skills, I also created another project after the Last one which was the Budget-Calculator but it's not been deployed yet because I have to find out how to deploy the backend part which is connected with a Mongo database on heroku since I am using .env in the project so I need to know how to put the variable on heroku. It's basically a Exercise Tracker with React / Node / express and Mongo db as database very interesting to learn a bit of backend but once I deploy the app I will talk more about it.

The More... that you see in the title is because I decide to start learning a bit of Game Development in my free time, I know it's quite overwhelming and also use a completely different programming language C# but I feel quite confident, because at the end of the day if you already know a programming language like for example in my case JavaScript starting to learn a new one it's mostly for what I have seen so far the syntax that change and obviously how you create classes functions but the fundamentals of programming are the same.

Anyway For this post is all, I will keep whoever is following me update on my progressions and on what I am working on just to give you a kind of path to follow to get more knowledge and to get better in this beautiful world of development creation.

Stay safe,


Hi my name is Michele I live in Western Australia and I am the creator of this blog, made it to improve my coding and writing skills.

Created by Michele Merola all copyright reserved 2020