Michele Merola

My first Blog Post

Hi Everyone, as you can read from my title this is my very first post as aspiring web developer. After these couple of years trying to study web development, working and taking care of my family, I finally decide to create a presence on the web, not just because everyone has it, but the main reason is because I think it will help me to learn better tracking my works.

I create on this Portfolio/Blog an about page about myself but in this first post I will talk more about me, not that many people will care, but it just a way to learn to express my thought as much as possible, all my posts will be as longer as possible because I am trying also to develop my writing skills. I believe that learning to code it's not just about coding skills but also about writing and process the learning in the simple way possible so you can actually teach other people and learn much better at the same time, coding it is also an endless path where you will never stop to learn and also you will never get bored, but many people give up to easily, by the way let's start with my presentation of Who I am.

My name is Michele and I am originally from Italy, I spent most of my life there <>27 years<> but in the past 5 years I moved in Australia and precisely Perth WA, here I met my wife, I got married and we had a beautiful child together. In these years I worked very hard to keep my status of temporary visa and I also developed this passion about development. My days usually were already quite busy at the time, now it's not less but I wanted to try to learn coding, I watched a lot of video about the arguments, there were a lot o choices of programming languages to start with, and also in some of them the 2 roles <>Front-end<> and <>Back-end<> it was quite overwhelming but eventually I decide to start with the very basics one of the web <>HTML<> and <>CSS<>, Oh and I started this path more than 2 years ago 2017, I tried to manage everything, work, family, new born, school and coding but was extremely hard and tiring, there was almost not free time to spent on coding, but even though, I pushed hard and even 30 minutes every day it was a success for me.

Now like I said I struggled a lot to study coding because of my situation, and in 2 years I could say that I have achieved 6 month of good studying, not much but better that not starting at all.

I feel pretty confident with HTML, CSS , JavaScript ( I have to look up for things all the time) React(I started a month ago and I am quite confident) Redux,Gatsby(very intuitive), GraphicQL and all the various libraries and tools that a developer needs.

This first post is just an introduction of my self like I said before, but after this a lot more post will come, and they will be just about my struggling, my success my works and my findings, just to keep you update about my journey.

I have still a lot to do to fix this blog and the portfolio but I will get there eventually, I am very motivated and passionate about it, so I will go very far hopefully.

Whit this brief introduction of who I am, I will leave you for the moment and I see you in the next post.

Stay Safe.

MIchele Merola.

Hi my name is Michele I live in Western Australia and I am the creator of this blog, made it to improve my coding and writing skills.

Created by Michele Merola all copyright reserved 2020